Get Account Transactions

Getting and manipulating transactions from the Stacks blockchain.

Getting Account Transactions

The Stacks API provides an endpoint for getting all transactions related to a principal, which can be a Stacks address or a contract identifier.

Contract identifiers are formatted deployer_address.contract-name

e.g. SP2H8PY27SEZ03MWRKS5XABZYQN17ETGQS3527SA5.newyorkcitycoin-core-v1

The limit parameter can fetch a maximum of 50 transactions at a time, and the offset parameter allows you to set the index for the first transaction to fetch.

Using the total value from the initial result, a simple do...while loop can help iterate over and collect all transactions for an address.


Requires node-fetchin package.json

import fetch from "node-fetch";

// returns a Promise that resolves after 'ms' milliseconds
const timer = (ms) => new Promise((res) => setTimeout(res, ms));

// fetches all account transactions for a given address or contract identifier
async function getAccountTxs(address) {
  let counter = 0;
  let total = 0;
  let limit = 50;
  let url = "";
  let txResults = [];

  // bonus points if you use your own node!
  let stxApi = "";

  console.log(`checking address: ${address}`);

  // obtain all account transactions 50 at a time
  do {
    url = `${stxApi}/extended/v1/address/${address}/transactions?limit=${limit}&offset=${counter}`;
    const response = await fetch(url);
    if (response.status === 200) {
      // success
      const responseJson = await response.json();
      // get total number of tx
      if (total === 0) {
        total =;
        console.log(`Total Txs: ${total}`);
      // add all transactions to main array => {
      // output counter
      console.log(`Processed ${counter} of ${total}`);
    } else {
      // error
      throw new Error(
        `getAccountTxs response err: ${response.status} ${response.statusText}`
    // pause for 1sec, avoid rate limiting
    await timer(1000);
  } while (counter < total);

  // view the output
  return txResults;


Filtering Transactions

With the full set of transactions for an address, the results can then easily be filtered into a new array with useful data.

MIA Mining

Filters for all MIA mining transactions for the specified address.

// get all MIA mining tx for address
let address = 'SP3CK642B6119EVC6CT550PW5EZZ1AJW661ZMQTYD';
let miningTxs = [];
let txs = getAccountTxs(address); => {
  if (tx.tx_type === 'contract_call') {
    if (tx.contract_call.contract_id === `SP466FNC0P7JWTNM2R9T199QRZN1MYEDTAR0KP27.miamicoin-core-v1` && tx.tx_status === 'success') {
      if (tx.contract_call.function_name === 'mine-tokens' || tx.contract_call.function_name === 'mine-many') {

console.log(`total MIA mining txs: ${miningTxs.length}`);

NYC Mining Claims

Filters for all NYC mining claim transactions for the specified address.

// get all NYC mining claim tx for address
let miningClaimTxs = [];
let address = 'SP3CK642B6119EVC6CT550PW5EZZ1AJW661ZMQTYD';
let txs = getAccountTxs(address); => {
  if (tx.tx_type === 'contract_call') {
    if (tx.contract_call.contract_id === `SP2H8PY27SEZ03MWRKS5XABZYQN17ETGQS3527SA5.newyorkcitycoin-core-v1` && tx.tx_status === 'success') {
      if (tx.contract_call.function_name === 'claim-mining-reward') {
console.log(`total NYC mining claim txs: ${miningClaimTxs.length}`);

MIA Stacking

// get all MIA stacking tx for address
let stackingTxs = [];
let address = 'SP3CK642B6119EVC6CT550PW5EZZ1AJW661ZMQTYD';
let txs = getAccountTxs(address); => {
  if (tx.tx_type === 'contract_call') {
    if (tx.contract_call.contract_id === `SP466FNC0P7JWTNM2R9T199QRZN1MYEDTAR0KP27.miamicoin-core-v1` && tx.tx_status === 'success') {
      if (tx.contract_call.function_name === 'stack-tokens') {
console.log(`total MIA stacking txs: ${stackingTxs.length}`);

NYC Stacking Claims

// get all NYC stacking claim tx for address
let stackingClaimTxs = [];
let address = 'SP3CK642B6119EVC6CT550PW5EZZ1AJW661ZMQTYD';
let txs = getAccountTxs(address); => {
  if (tx.tx_type === 'contract_call') {
    if (tx.contract_call.contract_id === `SP2H8PY27SEZ03MWRKS5XABZYQN17ETGQS3527SA5.newyorkcitycoin-core-v1` && tx.tx_status === 'success') {
      if (tx.contract_call.function_name === 'claim-stacking-reward') {
console.log(`total NYC stacking claim txs: ${stackingClaimTxs.length}`);

Last updated

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