
CityCoin contract functions related to stacking.


Anyone can create a user interface for Stacking CityCoins, one example being

Stacking CityCoins happens by calling the contract function stack-tokens.

A nominal transaction fee is required in order to send this transaction, paid in STX.


The current reward cycle for a given block height can be found by calling get-reward-cycle in the core contract and supplying the block height.

Stacking statistics for a given cycle are available through get-stacking-stats-at-cycle, and individual account Stacking details are available through get-stacker-at-cycle.

Both functions for Stacking information also include a -or-default version that returns empty default values instead of some or none Clarity types.

To Stack CityCoins for a user with stack-tokens:

  • enter the amount of CityCoins to Stack

  • enter the number of reward cycles to Stack for

  • submit the transaction to the smart contract

Contract Functions


Type: Read-only Function

Input: rewardCycle as uint

Returns: (some StackingStatsAtCycle) as a tuple or (none)

Returns the stacking stats at a given reward cycle, including:

  • amountUstx - total rewards from miners in uSTX

  • amountToken - total CityCoins Stacked


Type: Read-only Function

Input: rewardCycle as uint

Returns: (some StackingStatsAtCycle) as a tuple, or defaults

Returns the same as get-stacking-stats-at-cycle above, except if no entry is found, returns the default structure of:

  • amountUstx: 0

  • amountToken: 0


Type: Read-only Function

Input: rewardCycle as uint and userId as uint

Returns: (some StackerAtCycle) as a tuple or (none)

Returns the stacking stats for a given user ID and reward cycle, including:

  • amountStacked - the total amount of CityCoins Stacked

  • toReturn - the total amount of CityCoins that can be reclaimed from the contract


Type: Read-only Function

Input: rewardCycle as uint and userId as uint

Returns: (some StackerAtCycle) as a tuple, or defaults

Returns the same as get-stacker-at-cycle above, except if no entry is found, returns the default structure of:

  • amountStacked: 0

  • toReturn: 0


Type: Read-only Function

Input: stacksHeight as uint

Returns: (some rewardCycle) as uint or (none)

Returns the active reward cycle for a given block height.


Type: Read-only Function

Input: rewardCycle as uint

Returns: true or false

Returns a boolean value indicating if stacking is active at a given reward cycle, meaning a positive number of CityCoins are Stacked for that cycle.


Type: Read-only Function

Input: rewardCycle as uint

Returns: firstBlockInCycle as uint

Returns the starting Stacks block height for a given reward cycle.


Type: Public Function

Input: amountTokens as uint and lockPeriod as uint

Success: (ok true)





Stacking happens through calling the stack-tokens function in the contract, which accepts an amount of CityCoins to Stack in addition to a number of reward cycles to Stack them for.

Last updated

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